» » Classified Ads Script v1.6.1 - Infinity Market

Classified Ads Script v1.6.1 - Infinity Market

Classified Ads Script v1.6.1 - Infinity Market

Extra Flexible & Modern Classifieds MultiPurpose Portal solution with industry innovative features, specifically designed for easy customization, translation and use.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/classifieds-multipurpose-portal-infinity-market/16572285


This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)

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    1. toparts wrote:

      Need purchase code and CodeCanyon username !!!!!

      Why uploaded this script if is not nulled!!!!!! angry
      1. toparts wrote:
        Well, since this script isn't cancelled, I have taken a look and modified some things and now it works very well.
        You are never so well served as by yourself fellow
    2. alin86 wrote:
      hello, its possible to explain how to cancel that request for code?

      thank you
    3. sebba wrote:
      First. Sorry for my English (I Speak Spanish)

      Thank you for creating this site. It really is wonderful

      Steps to Unlok Script:

      1 - Create empty MySQL database with utf8_unicode_ci charset
      2 - Upload zip on server via cpanel file manager and extract directly on server
      3 - Copy WWW_BASE_DIRECTORY\application\config\production\database.php to WWW_BASE_DIRECTORY\application\config\database.php
      4 - Edit WWW_BASE_DIRECTORY\application\config\database.php With your data DB

      - db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
      - $db['default']['username'] = 'root';
      - $db['default']['password'] = 'XXX';
      - $db['default']['database'] = 'infinitymarket';
      - $db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli';

      5 - EDIT WWW_BASE_DIRECTORY\InfinityMarket\application\controllers\configurator.php.

      - Line N° 100:
      'rules' => 'required|callback_check_purchase'

      - Replace for this:
      'rules' => 'callback_check_purchase'

      Note: I remove this 'required|'

      6 - Comment part of code in Method public function check_purchase($str) - From Line N° 452 to Line N° 489 WITH Comment key (/* */) - AND ADD Code "return TRUE" in final Method.


      public function check_purchase($str)
      /* START Method

      return TRUE;

      END Method */

      return TRUE;

      7 - Open web server public url and configuration will appear (Ej. http://localhost/infinitymarket).

      8 - Finally complete the configuration form, wait a moment and the script will be installed.

      I hope it is useful for those who need it.

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