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Shivas School Management System

Shivas School Management System

Awesome responsive design, amazing & advanced features, total year earning graph, easy and flexible.

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This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)

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    1. CoolGuy21 wrote:
      in: application/controllers/install.php

      set to false
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      * Install the script here
      function do_install()
      $db_verify = $this->check_db_connection();
      $purchase_verify = $this->verify_purchase();

      if($purchase_verify == false && $db_verify == true)
      // Replace the database settings
      $data = read_file('./application/config/database.php');
      in application/views/install/setup.php

      line 61

      set to false:

      purchase_code: {
      required: false
      should work
      1. inux2004 wrote:
        i tried change settings, but it can't. "Error your purcase code is invalid"
        do you have the solution? thanks in advance
        1. CoolGuy21 wrote:
          If you set the two if statements to false in each of the files, then you shouldn't have a problem. When you get to the area that asks for a purchase code, just type in 1234 and hit enter, it should kick you into step to.
          1. inux2004 wrote:
            it's not ask the code to type but just just show like splash screen "Error, your purcase code is invalid", so I can't change the setting. thanks in advance for your kindness to help us to solve the problem.
            1. crishervic wrote:
              Hi INUX,

              You can change settings directly from database, its working fine to me.
              1. inux2004 wrote:
                thanks for your solution laughing i'll try it..
          2. techmindug wrote:
            Hello COOLGUY21,

            Thanks for the advice the system and everything is working fine for me, the only trouble i am having is that when i carry out a change i am unable to save because of an error that appears at the corner saying "YOUR PURCHASE CODE IS INCORRECT" is there something i can do so that i can save changes!! thanx
      2. doctorpc wrote:
        it didn't work even with the 1234, i wont even report any error it was just static
    2. ajayjob2011 wrote:
      successfully installed but page is blank
      1. CoolGuy21 wrote:
        $config['base_url'] = '';

        | Index File
        | Typically this will be your index.php file, unless you've renamed it to
        | something else. If you are using mod_rewrite to remove the page set this
        | variable so that it is blank.
        $config['index_page'] = 'index.php?';

        this should work
        1. CoolGuy21 wrote:
          change this section of the config file to match what I have psoted.
        2. adeel wrote:
          Its Not Worked

          Installed Successfully but page is blank
    3. primus17 wrote:
      Hi CoolGuy21, Thanks very much I was able to null the script following your instruction. However there is one more thing that is still not working. If I try to save any changes inside settings [Admin > Settings (top-right dropdown menu)], it is still giving the error message that "Error your purcase code is invalid" and the changes are not saved. Pls tell us how to fix that as well. Thanks in advance.
      1. prakarkhar wrote:
        public function pcode_validation($pcode) {
        $purchase_code = $pcode;
        $username = 'shimulpvs';
        $api_key = '4ov7razoq4q719056tpdq8waxwshfn1d';
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'API');
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://marketplace.envato.com/api/edge/". $username ."/". $api_key ."/verify-purchase:". $purchase_code .".json");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $purchase_data = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), false);
        if(count($purchase_data['verify-purchase'])) {
        $this->session->set_flashdata('flash_message_error' , "Your Purchase Code Is Not Valid.");
        redirect(base_url() . 'index.php?admin/system_settings/', 'refresh');
        return FALSE;
        } else {
        return TRUE;

        add this to application/controller/admin.php in line 2149
    4. GownAinzOoal wrote:
      Hello i encountered a problem when i install this script

      "Unable to determine what should be displayed. A default route has not been specified in the routing file."


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